Ayurvedic treatment for lower back pain
Back pain, especially in the lower back, has become a common complaint these days. While conventional treatments can provide temporary relief, many people are looking for natural alternatives that get to the root of the problem. This is where Ayurvedic treatment for lower back pain comes into play. Causes of lower back pain There are …
How to Calm Mind and Body: Ayurvedic Approaches to Mental Wellness
In our hectic modern world, mental stress and physical tension are common challenges for many adults. Ayurveda, an ancient holistic medical system from India, offers a variety of remedies to achieve mental peace and physical relaxation. Let’s dive into some Ayurvedic approaches that can help you find peace and balance in our hectic times. 1. …
Read moreHow to Calm Mind and Body: Ayurvedic Approaches to Mental Wellness
Ayurvedic approach to back pain: Understanding causes and solutions
Back pain is a pervasive ailment in our modern society, affecting a significant portion of the population at least once in their lives. But what if the answers to these complaints lie in an ancient Indian healing tradition? Yes, we are talking about Ayurveda. Ayurveda Germany opens the door to this traditional knowledge, providing insights …
Read moreAyurvedic approach to back pain: Understanding causes and solutions
Ayurvedische Jahreszeitenroutine – wie Sie das Ende des Winters positiv gestalten
Unser Körper und unser Geist wird nicht nur durch die energetischen …
Ayurvedic lesson with Agatha Heim
On the 25th and 26th of May 2019 Learn the art of ayurvedic cooking in a compact cooking class on a weekend with us in Bad Bocklet! Ayurveda nutrition expert Agatha Heim will introduce you to the Ayurvedic
Relaxed in the menopause
For those who are not in the mood for conventional hormone therapy, Ayurveda offers natural help in the transition to the new phase of life, without taking the responsibility for this from the woman.
Mukabhyanga Facial Massage: Ayurvedic relaxation for body and mind
Artikel auf Balance Beauty Time Viele Menschen haben mit Stress und alltäglichen Problemen zu kämpfen. Entspannung und Ablenkung scheinen oftmals die Lösung zu sein.
Dr. Jobin explains Ayurveda to women’s union
Sigrid Weigl, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, was pleased with the great interest and referred to the speakers after welcoming the approximately 50 attendees. At the beginning, Dr. Jobin the basic principles in Ayurveda…
Ayurvedic cooking class with Agatha Heim
am 30. Juni & 01. Juli 2018 und am 20. Oktober & 21. Oktober 2018 Lebensmittel und Gewürze sind im Ayurveda etwas Magisches. Richtig zubereitet verführen sie unsere Sinne und verbinden Körper, Geist und Seele. Doch ayurvedisch Kochen will gelernt sein. Erlernen Sie die Kunst
Four years Ayurveda center in Bad Bocklet – a success story
Zu DEM Ayurvedazentrum in Deutschland wollte Alt-Bürgermeister Wolfgang Back seinen kleinen feinen Kurort nahe der „bekannten Schwester Bad Kissingen“ entwickeln und der Erfolg gibt ihm Recht. Mehrere Tausend Patienten…
New Ayurveda Cookbook Published
Genussvoll durchs Jahr – Agathas ayurvedische Köstlichkeiten Ein Genuss für Augen und Gaumen – das ist das Ayurveda-Kochbuch von Agatha Heim: Ausgewählte Rezepte mit überwiegend einheimischen Zutaten, jedes Gericht liebevoll dekoriert und fotografiert…